Your Job-Winning Success starts with our 5-Step

Nail Your Interview System™

Have you thought you aced the interview only to find out you didn’t

Have you ever felt unprepared for, or blind-sided by, a question during an interview ?

Have you thought you aced the interview only to find out you didn’t

Interviews can be few and far between and you don’t want to have the devastation of thinking ‘just get me in front of the interviewers and I’ll ace it’ only to find out your competition had a better strategy and beat you out of an amazing job. You cannot afford to get to the interview without a proven strategy!

With unprecedented competition in the workforce, there is increased pressure on you to bring your “A” game to the interview….and after the interview so you can finish strong and ensure you are among the top candidates to land a second interview, or be offered the job!

Have you thought you aced the interview only to find out you didn’t

Have you ever felt unprepared for, or blind-sided by, a question during an interview ?

Have you thought you aced the interview only to find out you didn’t

Interviews can be few and far between and you don’t want to have the devastation of thinking ‘just get me in front of the interviewers and I’ll ace it’ only to find out your competition had a better strategy and beat you out of an amazing job. You cannot afford to get to the interview without a proven strategy!

With unprecedented competition in the workforce, there is increased pressure on you to bring your “A” game to the interview….and after the interview so you can finish strong and ensure you are among the top candidates to land a second interview, or be offered the job!

What if you could interview right the first time and every time from now on ?

The Nail Your Interview System™ includes

Extreme strategies to prepare and position you for interview and job-winning success.

Congratulations when you make it past all of the potential Six Audiences™ for a federal interview or the audiences/gatekeepers in private sector!

The interview is your opportunity to seal the deal and lay the foundation for salary and benefit negotiation! We help with that as well.

The most critical career marketing document to help you win the job.

Most people can’t decide if they should write a handwritten thank you card or a typewritten thank you letter. Then, they flounder between email or snail mail.

Throw out the 1990 strategies! You have an opportunity now to help them select you .

Camille will write your most critical career marketing document after the interview—the Job Proposal. Of course, it says thank you, but this document is written even more strategically than the résumé! This job proposal is extreme, job-winning strategy at its finest. So, a collaborative effort and precise execution of concepts and tasks learned throughout the Nail Your Interview System™ are necessary for your success.

You will understand why 98% of clients who invest in this successful interview system and execute the proven strategiesland a second interview and often the job offer.When you areserious about landing the job,the return on investment for the Nail Your Interview System™ is unprecedented .

Camille will write your most critical career marketing document after the interview—the Job Proposal. Of course, it says thank you, but this document is written even more strategically than the résumé! This job proposal is extreme, job-winning strategy at its finest. So, a collaborative effort and precise execution of concepts and tasks learned throughout the Nail Your Interview System™ are necessary for your success.

You will understand why 98% of clients who invest in this successful interview system and execute the proven strategiesland a second interview and often the job offer.When you areserious about landing the job,the return on investment for the Nail Your Interview System™ is unprecedented .

This 5-step, proven Nail Your Interview System™ includes:

STEP 1: Preparation

Specific proprietary details for those who invest in the system .

STEP 2: Nail Your Interview Strategy Session™

« This session requires 90 minutes of completely uninterrupted, focused time with Camille followed by 30 minutes after the session for you to complete interview preparation tasks that may come up during the session.

« Discover an effective technique to significantly improve your mindset and completely change how you handle interviews—whether you are nervous or not. This ONE mindset shift will completely change how you approach your interviews and skyrocket your confidence !

« Learn a specific, quick notetaking skill so you can relax and focus on the interview.

« Prepare for a single interviewer, a phone, virtual interview, or a situational panel interview and learn proprietary strategies that make them remember you and help you demonstrate why they should hire you—they love these strategies and you will, too!

« Discover the 3-phase strategy andthecritical checkpoints for your success :
Phase 1: Pre-Interview Strategy
Phase 2: Interview Strategy
Phase 3: Post-Interview Strategy—most critical!

« A mock interview takes place during this session so will have your strategic questions prepared and ready for any question that comes up. Being this prepared will help you achieve calm , charismatic interviewing confidence!

« Within 24 hoursof our session, you will receive your personalized report including proven, proprietary strategic interview techniques with specific customized methods for your interview.

STEP 3: Post-Interview Strategy Se$$ion

« Strategically debriefwith Camille immediatelyfollowing your interview .

« This is where everything we’ve done comes together and where it all makes sense…and hopefully dollars, too! You’ll receive strategic proprietary guidance for the next step.

STEP 4: The Job Proposal Letter and Next Steps

« In collaboration with you, Camille will strategically develop the job proposalletter. Thisstellarjob proposal letter empowers them and clearly demonstrates why they should hire you.This isnot a powerless,lifeless, generic thank you letter.

« Receive tactical guidance on your next strategic actions.

STEP 5: Prepare for Your Job Offer

As you can see, there are multiple strategies and Camille leads you every step of the way. Nail Your Interview System™ clients receive priority scheduling to accommodate interview schedules. Please inform us immediately when you receive an opportunity to interview so we can schedule your Nail Your Interview System™ sessions promptly.


When scheduling your interview, ask for either the first or last interview appointment.

The education, proven strategies, and coaching in the Nail Your Interview System™ are priceless! Additionally, you will be able to duplicate this job-winning system for your next interview…and your next!

Your investment in this very successful
Nail Your Interview System™is $1,695.*

*A $250 rush fee will be added for this program if scheduled in less than 2 days.

Invest now and together, we’ll Nail Your Interview!