HOPE: Noun, Verb, or Something Else to You?

HOPE: Noun, Verb, or Something Else to You?

  Recently, I was talking with a client who comes back time and again for updates to his resume when he is ready to apply for a promotion. He said, “I’m back yet again because I trust you with my hope of landing this next promotion. You’ve helped me with every...
Career Satisfaction: Do you love your job?

Career Satisfaction: Do you love your job?

How would you rate your career satisfaction? If you had to rate your career satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low and 10 being excellent, would you be on the high end? Or the low end? Somewhere in the middle? How much do you love what you do for a living?...
Need to get back on track with your goals? Here’s how…

Need to get back on track with your goals? Here’s how…

  Did you meet your January goals? You achieved all your goals! Great! That’s super awesome and should be celebrated! Congratulations! I did not meet all of mine. But I decided I wasn’t going to beat myself up over it. I’m just going to keep trying…and “keep...