HOPE: Noun, Verb, or Something Else to You?
Recently, I was talking with a client who comes back time and again for updates to his resume when he is ready to apply for a promotion. He said, “I’m back yet again because I trust you with my hope of landing this next promotion. You’ve helped me with every...
Self-Care, Spring Cleaning, and Career Focus
I know that technically Spring began last month, but there’s something about the month of April that makes me feel like it’s “officially” spring, and makes me want to focus on cleaning, self-care, and my career! On top of a more poignant shift in the weather, I...
How Your Federal Career Can Benefit from Olympic Coaching Strategies
As I reflect on the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, I can’t help but think about my clients (and prospective clients) and their federal career goals. While I didn’t get to watch many of the events live, I tried to watch the highlights late at night when I went to...
Career Satisfaction: Do you love your job?
How would you rate your career satisfaction? If you had to rate your career satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low and 10 being excellent, would you be on the high end? Or the low end? Somewhere in the middle? How much do you love what you do for a living?...