Job Search: Who are you trusting?

by | Job Search

I have a question for you: Who are you trusting with your job search?

lyndseyHi, I’m Lyndsey 🙂 and I’ve known Camille Roberts for nearly 20 years…and she would never write this, so I thought I’d do it for her 😉

I’ve worked in the Careers Industry for nearly 20 years now, basically my entire career, minus a super fun 18 months when I taught at a private preschool right out of college.

I have worked for numerous resume writers over the course of my career in various capacities.

And I have to say, I have never met anyone who works as hard, or cares as much, as Camille and her team.

In my role with CC Career Solutions, I am often the first point of contact with customers. I get to learn all about their backgrounds, their expertise, their dreams, where they are in the job search process, and more importantly, what they NEED.

I’ll walk them through our process and how we can partner together to help them move into the next stage of their career. If we are a good fit, and they choose to trust us to assist them with their job search, I onboard them and get them started!

I love being a part of this life-changing process for our clients, and the feedback we get affirms that we are truly making a difference in their career and their lives.

Just last week, two of our federal résumé clients sent these unsolicited testimonials:

“Just know I never expected this level of service from your team. I read the reviews but had no idea how great you were. It’s been worth the investment already. Even if we don’t land this one, I feel it’s been a great push and we accomplished a ton. I know moving forward we will have more time to make the small tweaks needed.”


“Thank you, Camille. Your work is exceptional. I have seen many, many resumes over the years in different hiring manager roles; your work is far superior to what I am accustomed to seeing. I will always be your advocate with FBI personnel making the transition.”

And these are what inspired me to write this…because these are just two of many.

Before I started my career, I never understood the value of a well-written corporate resume or federal resume.

I’m outgoing. And likable. A people-person.

I had never have trouble getting a job!


I mean, yes. The first part is true 😉 But the reality is, our careers are our biggest assets.

For most people, our career—and the salary we will make—exponentially will be worth more than any asset we will ever own.

So, what are we doing to invest in that? And who are we trusting to help us?

If you were to buy a Mercedes (or, insert luxury car of your choice) and it needed to be fixed, would you watch a YouTube video and try to do it yourself? Or, would you take it to the cheapest, most inexperienced mechanic you could find?

No! We take care of the precious things we own…and our careers should be no different!


MAGNETIC TIP:You can find a resume writer who will write or ‘type’ your resume for next to nothing. But I’d caution you to keep in mind that as with any professional service, you get what you pay for…and it will affect your job search.

At CC Career Solutions, it’s all about strategy and the ability to apply proven strategies to your unique situation.

Since I started working with CC Career Solutions, I have continually been blown away by the level of service that Camille and her team provide. From getting on a call with a client at 10 p.m. local time because the client was in Europe, to providing advice within a 24-hour turnaround (WHO does that?!), to staying up late with a client and helping him finalize his LinkedIn profile a few hours before his job application was due to ensure everything was perfect.

…This is why our clients are successful…faster.

And I’d like to say “results not typical.” But when it’s necessary, that’s exactly how it happens. We go out of our way to help our clients land interviews and lucrative job offers!

You can trust us with your job search.

So, again, I’m asking you:

Who are you trusting with your job search? Your career…the largest asset you’ll likely ever have?

And are you getting this kind of care? Are you landing the interviews and job offers you deserve?

I hope so!

If not, let me know… I’d love to chat 🙂


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