CC Career Solutions, LLC

CC Career Solutions, LLC

Federal Government * Corporate * Private Sector GET HIRED …with ease and speed! Free Federal Resume Writing Workshop Get Started Working With Us X Not Getting Referred? Find out what's killing your chances of landing federal jobs. Take the 1-minute quiz here Federal...

MYFR Special Modules

Is your federal resume FAILING you?  What if there was a solution? Magnetize Your Federal Resume Individual Modules Module 1 - Six Audiences Discover the Six Audiences™ that your resume must speak to and why so you can create an effective resume that gets you...
Is your Federal Resume Goal Misguided?

Is your Federal Resume Goal Misguided?

  I.AM.IN.SHOCK! I was reading on Reddit last week and noticed someone had written that since January he had submitted 282 Federal resume applications…AND his goal was to hit 500 by August. YOWZA! The thought crossed my mind: “Ain’t nobody got time for that?” But...