Here’s the crazy truth about your Federal résumé… Did you know your résumé is NOT about YOU? That’s right, and kind of crazy, huh?
Stick with me here…your résumé is about speaking to the Six Audiences™ who read and score your résumé!
One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is what we call Lingo Bingo. That’s where the job seeker submits a generic or even a private-sector résumé to every job they apply to. It’s like putting your boat in a river with no water in it, or spinning your wheels in the deepest mud.
Is your Federal résumé missing the MEAT?
Try as you might, you’re never going anywhere without any real strategy! Many federal job seekers believe they just need a plain old USAJOBS résumé…instead of submitting a strategic, keyword-rich résumé in a proven format that helps you convey your value, stand out, consistently earns the praise of the Six Audiences™ throughout the application process—especially in the interview—and sets you up for the job offer and a great salary!
Does your resume do that?
Another big mistake is…job seekers leave the audiences hungry. The federal résumé is missing meat. These job seekers fail to provide compelling, strength-based, unique, and value-driven (CSUV) accomplishments.
The goal of your résumé is to quickly and effortlessly demonstrate your value to the employer, compel them to interview you, and leave them wanting more! So one of our signature strategies is CSUV Accomplishments.
And, we’ve created an entire system to help you write your CSUV accomplishments, including a proprietary method that will ensure your accomplishments are compelling, strength-based, unique, and valuable to potential employers.
The old way of the federal résumé approach isn’t working!
You’ve been doing it the old way. It doesn’t work. Consequently, it’s costing you time, money, energy, and confidence. And in extreme cases, it may have even costed you your family and strained or even ended some of your closest relationships.
Many of our clients have said that prior to contacting us that they have submitted the same résumé to many job announcements—even hundreds—without success.
Their results? The equivalent of an unfilled Bingo card. In other words: nothing. No winner.
And, what about all that wasted time? On average, a federal job seeker spends about 20 hours searching for job announcements, reviewing, preparing their resume and application, applying, and following up. Have you calculated how much time you have spent?
For example: take the average of 20 hours x 100 applications = 200 hours! What is your time worth? Are you interested in shortening that time?
When you submit your résumé—all about you—blindly to multiple job announcements only to have it land in the black hole, garbage pile, File 13, or whatever you want to call it, that lack of success can really destroy your confidence.
And if you don’t score high enough to land at the top of the hiring list, it is very likely you will NEVER be given the opportunity to interview, to make that amazing first impression, to demonstrate your value to the employer….let alone land the job!
You might take that rejection personally. You might wonder if you will EVER get unstuck, if you’ll ever be chosen, or if it is just YOU? Trust me, it isn’t YOU!
The most common mistake we see talented job seekers make…
And the most common mistake we see talented job seekers make over and over and over again is FTP. That’s failure to prioritize (FTP) the single-most important career document so it can serve them for their entire career!
And so they stay stuck and miserable knowing they could do and be so much more if they would just reprioritize the importance of discovering and applying the most cutting-edge federal hiring strategies to their résumé.
So, we’re eager to teach you solid strategies that will get you THROUGH the FINISH LINE and to the interview with your federal résumé. Do this instead!
Are you ready?!
Are you ready to discover the successful 5-step formula our clients use to stand out above the other candidates so you can land interviews, too? Yes?!
Join us in our upcoming free training to discover The Get HIRED Résumé Formula™. Click the link and get registered right now while you are here and thinking about it. There’s no time like the present to move your career forward!
Click HERE to register! We can’t wait to have you join us!
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