šŸšØ Check out #2 in our Top 10 Worst Federal Resume Advice series! šŸšØ

by | Career Strategy, Federal Jobs, Federal Resumes, Job Search, Military Transition, Senior Executive Service, USAJOBS Resumes

Hereā€™s #2 in our Top 10 Worst Federal Resume Advice series!

Bad Advice #2:

ā€œAim for a 3-page resume and cram in as much information as you can into your employment section to make it as long as possible. If you canā€™t find a heading for something, make one up to show your creativity.ā€


Insert shaking head. Donā€™t do thisā€¦especially for federal resumes!

PRO TIP: When it comes to federal resumes, size doesnā€™t matter so much. Content matters. Give the Six Audiencesā„¢ what they need to keep your application moving through the process!
Click here to discover my best advice that you can implement today!

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Camille Roberts
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