Job Search Myth: Federal Jobs are Pegged for Someone Already

by | Job Search


One extremely common federal job search myth that we often hear from new clients is that they thought federal jobs were already pegged for somebody else and that they needed to know someone “on the inside” to actually get hired.

This is simply not true!

In fact, about 93% of our clients didn’t know anyone on the inside to help them get hired.

Many of our clients, who aren’t Veterans, have mentioned that they also thought most of the federal jobs were pegged for only Veterans. This is simply not true either.

Job Search Myth: The truth about Federal hiring.

While Veterans make up about one-third of the federal work force, they, too, must qualify based on their expertise. Veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty in the armed forces during certain recognized periods, are entitled to use their Veterans Preference to add to their score—and we help them craft their federal resumes as well.

The bottom line is: You do NOT need to know someone to land your federal job! If you are highly qualified for a federal position, focus your positive energy on writing a strategic, compelling, and competitive federal resume that addresses all Six Audiences™.

Increase your odds of getting hired in Federal government.

When you do THIS, instead of assume you have no chance, you have a much higher chance to land your federal job, or promotion, on your own merits, expertise, and experience. And, that will set you up for a successful interview—and hopefully, the job offer.

Make sure you showcase your professional summary, key qualifications, and immediate value offered into your federal resume. Be sure to answer the questionnaire giving yourself all the credit that you can without embellishing. And, don’t try to game the system. That won’t get you far in the process.

Follow the directions on the job announcement precisely. You CAN get “best qualified” and “referred to the hiring official” without knowing anyone in the government.

The majority of our clients have landed interviews and job offers using our 25+ years of Magnetize Your Federal Résumé strategies. We have clients working in 400 federal agencies all over the world.

Our strategies and tools ensure you qualify at the very highest level so you can be sure you aren’t wasting your time applying to jobs where you will never land on the interview list. And, we craft advanced, highly strategic federal resumes that magnetize the Six Audiences™ TO you, compelling them to want to interview YOU!

Shift your mindset.

I encourage you to shift your mindset.

Instead of “What if I fail?” to “But, what if you fly?”

You’ll never know until you try… and you’ll never know unless you try our proven strategies. We’d love to help you fly!

Let’s talk about your situation! Click here to schedule a time.


Camille Roberts
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