Client Reviews & Thank You’s
Reviews & Thank You’s
Krista Skapinski
Department Facilitator
Music Education Specialist
Krista was applying for GS-5 and GS-7 the lowest level jobs not knowing there was a better way! She pre-qualified with the Qual-Fit Tool™ and was found eligible for GS-13 level positions! That equates to a ~$50,000 year per raise before she even starts the job! It’s important to ensure you pre-qualify for the right-fit, right-level jobs so you can land interviews and job offers!

Jace Tirrell
Electronics Technician
Before coming to Camille for help, I thought I knew all the answers. My resume was lacking all the skills I couldn’t market because I wasn’t the expert in those skills. But I learned with the Camille’s Qual-Fit Tool™ help me highlight the things that I knew I was good at versus things I can get better at. My job search approach was just a basic Google search, clearance jobs, and USAJOBS but had no idea all the things necessary to apply to them. I was a little hard-headed about learning but once you learn it, it’s leaps and bounds of learning and it helped me highlight the things I was good at! My biggest takeaway in working with Camille is learning all the skills that I didn’t know I could market. I would say get over yourself and ask for some help. It’s ok. You just don’t know how much of an asset you are to a company. I would recommend CC Career Solutions and Camille. It’s definitely a great investment. I landed a job with an FBI contractor!

Michael K.
Project Manager at U.S.
Department of Labor

Paul E. Titus
Director, Critical Infrastructure
Security and Resilience
Camille Roberts @ CC Career Solutions is amazing! If you want to have the highest impact going into an executive leadership interview, you HAVE TO include Camille right from the beginning.
Camille, thank you! Keep making the “Best of the Best!”

Mark Nicholas
I loved working with Mark! He was a very well-educated college professor of History. His peers would get promoted, but he had reached his maximum potential in that job. He knew he wanted to do something different and he needed to do something different. So he decided to go all out and pursue his dream job…which as a great side benefit would allow him to be closer to his young daughter. He applied for the job a few times with no luck. He couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t land the interview.
Five long miserable years passed and Mark continued to stay stuck because his resume had no strategy. He was sad and depressed about missing out on his young 10-year-old daughter’s life because of the distance between where she lived and where he lived. His relationship with his girlfriend was on the rocks because he was so discouraged and depressed he was frustrated that he reached a dead end in his job. He felt like he was doomed to stay in it forever he didn’t think his dream job was ever going to be within reach because his resumes were continually rejected time and time again.
Watch this video to discover what happened when he used our Finish-Line Focus Federal Résumé based on our Magnetize Your Federal Résumé program, and what could happen for you, too!

Col. Darrell Bright
U.S. Army (Retired)
Chief, Customer Support,
U.S. Department of Interior
My investment with you landed me my Federal dream job making high 6-figures per year, plus benefits, pension, and perks—working from home! I could not have done it without each of your services. I thought for sure I only needed an updated resume. As you know, your resume landed me several interviews.
I had plenty of experience interviewing staff, but with no job offers coming in, I ate my humble pie and asked for help with the interview. As time passed between interviews, I regret not doing your interview coaching sooner in the process. I didn’t realize I needed to refresh and learn new interview strategies for today’s job market.
YOUR interview strategies are rock solid, and they work! Thank you for your assistance in my quest for new employment closer to home, which was my original goal! I am forever grateful to you for helping me land my last job. I plan to retire after this one and hope to continue in your entrepreneurial coaching program to launch my consulting business!
I highly recommend your program to any job seeker at any level. It is what every job seeker needs to land faster! Please tell any of your potential clients who are truly serious about landing stable employment with the Federal Government to email me for a reference any time. I am willing to talk to them to share my experience, save them frustration and time, and let them know there is no one better qualified, patient, and leaps and bounds ahead with solid career strategies to steer them to success. I mean that with all my heart. I’m truly grateful I found you.

I’ve worked in the Federal service for over 15 years, but my nursing career expands past 28 years. I was in a state where I really didn’t do a good job showing all my experience. I was in a dark place and working in the same agency for 9 years and I needed to make a change.
I did research on my own…searching for a company or someone who would do my resume/CV, and just the overhaul…but I was desperate and I wanted to get it done. It’s amazing how you find yourself getting a service that is not really good, but you pay for it anyway and you are hoping that you could still move forward…and get it done. I knew I needed to do something different. I asked and used other services and I was desperate.
A friend of mine mentioned how Camille had an incredible knack for polishing not only the resume, but the overall career for her and got her into the job she was seeking. So I took a chance!
When I first worked with Camille and her team, they provided me so many ways to reveal all the skills I’ve had. I was thrilled to see how Camille had such a way of crafting my branding, if you will. Throughout the process, she always had a way of looking at the multiple things that I’ve done with a fresh set of eyes. The reason it was difficult for me is because over the 28 years of nursing I had many responsibilities and I carried many hats.
Camille’s team unveiled it so succinctly in my resume. Camille and her team approached my transformation on ‘paper’ basically by teaching me what I look to the hiring world. Camille equipped me with tools of understanding as to why certain approaches were important and why others were not.
Camille and Cris are awesome. They got me to show my best using very sophisticated means, tools, bells, and whistles. All their long, hard work of crafting and packaging my skills and accomplishments virtually, made me feel authentic. Before Camille and her team, my long list of skills and accomplishments were beginning to get lost in time…like a laundry list, instead of a tapestry of passion that career journey had become.
Camille managed to simultaneously show my skills, interests, passions, and accomplishments. That is a very special skill and unique career service.

Elfonzo Hayes
Whether it’s a Federal Resume, KSAs, Career Coaching, Strategic Planning, or Enterpreneurial Coaching, Camille is your answer! I can say with absolute certainty, she has the skills to see you through all of your job seeking, career management, and entrepreneurial needs.
She is talented in asking the right questions. She definitely will make you think, but just trust where she leads you. Camille is reliable, intelligent, sharp-witted, highly skilled, and a true professional with a vibrant personality.
My projects were met with vivacious, robust ideas linked with impeccable words and phrases that placed my resume and narratives above the competition. My average resume quickly became the best document I’ve ever read that truly represents me.
Camille is also extremely technology and business savvy and willing to share her knowledge and expertise. She has in-depth knowledge of the workplace environments and is also a mediator.
She is a social media guru and keeps up on the latest trends in online reputation management, technology, careers, and business. I quickly learned Camille is one of a kind. To work with her is an investment you will never regret.
Do not hesitate to contact Camille! Your investment will be well worth it!

Robert Alan Barnes
Chief Financial Officer
Camille has done an excellent job reviewing my resume and making suggestions and recommendations to improve the resume and present the candidate. I have great respect for her experience and knowledge in the employment arena. Camille understands the market and the key character traits and experience that needs to be presented to meet each employer’s needs.
As I went through the interview process and the various responses that one makes as you work toward an offer and the acceptance of a job or position, Camille was confident in the responses to make and the outcomes that could be expected. She was more confident than I was that an offer would be made. She can look at the job listing and the requirements of the position, then look at your resume and qualifications, and formulate a plan to present you as a very strong applicant through a cover letter and resume.
I was so impressed with her professional attitude, knowledge of the job markets, and response time. She was working and formulating a response as fast as I was discussing the outcomes and impressions of the interviews.
I was very happy to receive an offer, it was good offer, yet Camille advised that a position such as this should and could be paying as much as 10 to 20% more than they offered. She suggested that she write a job proposal and counter offer. She offered strategic advice as to why the counter offer was a fair and reasonable request. It worked! I was so pleased to receive an additional 10% increase over the original offer, plus more holidays, and more vacation! That was worth the whole investment!
I credit Camille with the success of this job search, I had the qualifications and she had the skill and knowledge to present me in the best light. Thank you for your help, Camille!
Take my advice, if you want the best presentation of your qualifications and skills, Camille at CC Career Solutions will partner with you and get the job done right.
Gwen. D., Ph.D.
Camille at CC Career Solutions is outstanding! Her credentials, professionalism, business ethics, industry knowledge, and responsiveness are indeed “superior.”
This was my first experience working with a professional resume/KSA writer. I did all of the necessary research to reduce the risk of getting “shafted” on the internet and needless to say, CC Career Solutions’ credentials and references withstood my scrutiny. Because of my timeline, Camille and her team turned around my project in a week!
I submitted my federal resume and KSA’s, in less than three weeks, I had my first executive–level interview in the federal government.
This is all that I can ask. Camille helped to open the door, the rest is up to me. Before you make a decision to select a resume writing company, talk to Camille’s team and GET STARTED working with her at CC Career Solutions. This was the best money I’ve spent to enhance my career opportunities during 30 years of work history.
Gwen. D., Ph.D.
J. Weigand
I found myself as a senior local government manager in need of a career change. Having been promoted from within the system, I was unfamiliar with the current human resources world and the tricks needed for a resume to get an interview. I tried using a resume that I developed using a mixture of books and web advice and just wasn’t getting the results my experience and education should have given me. I knew I needed help from a professional, but didn’t know exactly where to find the right person.
I did some internet research and found a number of firms, but as my research progressed, I kept coming back to references for Camille and CC Career Solutions. I sent Camille a copy of my resume and received a prompt reply. We agreed upon a price and started working on a resume and KSAs. While working on the resume and KSAs, Camille helped educated me on what today’s human resource managers are looking for in the candidates they refer for further consideration.
Before I knew it, Camille produced a resume and KSAs that represented my experience and education and it also ‘looked’ amazing. I started submitting my new resume and immediately started getting invited to more interviews. The end result—I obtained a senior management position in local government at a much higher salary in one of our nation’s most beautiful beach resort communities.
I am sure that the resume that Camille worked on with me helped make my skills and experience stand out so that I was invited to the interview. Once through that door, I had a chance to sell myself and what I was capable of doing for my new employer—and I got the job. The money I spent having Camille professionally write my resume was one of the best investments I have ever made.
Julie K.
Major International Online ‘Buying/Selling’ Company
The experience I had with Camille far exceeded my expectations. The only resume experience I personally had was from past college consultants. This time I wanted a true professional opinion for a resume that would help me get THIS dream job! I have looked for employment for the past six months and not receiving offers that were suitable, or that met my needs. I was holding out for the ideal job. An opportunity came my way that sounded perfect for what I was looking for and I wanted to ensure an offer. I searched out several professional resume writers and kept coming back to CC Career Solutions. Not knowing if they would take me on, I just asked if they would be interested in helping me.
Without hesitation and within the perfect timeframe, my resume was complete. I was impressed with “ME” when Camille was finished. Two days after I submitted my resume to the employer, I was notified to come in for the interview process. I had three interviews on Tuesday and was offered the job on Friday!! My life is truly enriched. I was offered more than my high range goal in salary with quarterly bonuses, stock options, and great benefits! I am so happy!
With gratitude and many thanks to you, Camille, I will not hesitate to send many referrals your way. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
M. Forbes
When I found myself needing a federal resume, I contacted a local resume writer. Even though my contact was a professional resume writer, she felt with the competitiveness occurring within the government sector, I should work with a professional who dealt with federal government resume writing. She referred me to Camille.
Thank you Camille for working so hard on my resume. This was definitely money well spent! I was very impressed with the quality and speediness of the service. I recently showed my resume to family and friends and they were also impressed. Some of them even wanted your website address so they too can have their resumes done.
Again, Thank you so very much!
Sandra E.
Department of Defense Education Activity
Camille did a wonderful job with the resume and KSAs. In fact, she probably gave me a better product than I expected. And, as far as the timeframe for the work, she pushed harder than I did. She would send a draft and ask for corrections the next day.
I had applied for two similar jobs previously, both of which I was equally qualified for and for which I had written my own resume/KSAs. I decided to get help the third time around and got the job almost immediately (or as immediate as things can happen with the federal government). I truly believe it was Camille’s work.
So, bottom line is I highly recommend her. I’ve taken what she produced and can now update it myself as needed.
Fletcher W.
I was at a point in my career where I needed to explore other opportunities. I sent my resume to Camille for an evaluation. She was honest and told me that I looked ‘too entry level’ on paper in comparison to the many years of relevant professional experience.
I am very happy with the professional resume Camille developed. She also helped me prepare for my job interview. I had a question on religion that I was unsure how to approach during my interview. Camille did some research for me and helped me feel comfortable for the interview. I was relaxed, focused, and prepared on my interview using the tips that I received from Camille and our interview coaching session. I got the job and I am excited to be working with a great company.
I have recommended Camille to my friends and they in turn, have recommended Camille to their friends. Camille, the care and preparation that you put into your work shows. You are a pleasure to work with. Thank you.

Sally Cofer-Lindberg
Career Directions & bhc Associates, Inc.
Certified Professional Resume Writer
I am professional resume writer, but not a “federal” resume writer. I feel totally confident in referring those clients to Camille at CC Career Solutions. Her talents in this arena are huge.
I’ve heard from clients whom I have referred to Camille that they are delighted with her work and her understanding of this federal career process. Camille is unique in this arena. She truly cares, goes the extra mile and always produces a winner resume project for her clients.
When I refer clients to Camille, I feel at ease, knowing they are served with the highest amount of professionalism, courtesy, quality and efficiency.

Darrell L. Holm
This new position is also saving the university thousands of dollars each month! Camille’s expertise goes beyond the basics of resume and interview coaching that is available from a myriad of people on the internet. Her personal, savvy business acumen helped to create a new job, saves the university a lot of money, and contributes to a more green environment…all from a coaching session and a kicked-up thank you letter that she calls a Job Proposal letter. The return on investment has resulted in a stable and progressive career, and career agent and friend who I can depend on every step of the way. With her marketing strategies, I would strongly recommend Camille. She is a great benefit to you or your company. I highly recommend her services!
Karen R.
Dear Camille,
Contacting you was the best and most important decision I have ever made in my career. From the first day of starting the resume to the job offer day, I totally relied on your expertise to guide me.
You are a real professional and an expert in my eyes! You take such a caring and personal approach to making sure everything from the Cover Letter to the Resume and KSA’s are done with complete satisfaction on both our parts.
It had been 20 years since I have had to do a resume and 20 years since I have had to interview. Your interview coaching was phenomenal! You had so much professional advice and confidence in me and helped me go from being so nervous I could barely talk to speaking fluidly with excellent answers and with such confidence!
Your “secret” strategies and asking those “special” questions worked! I interviewed for a position with numerous applicants and interviewees and was offered the job within 4 hours of leaving! That is amazing for a Federal government position! I could not have done it without you.
I will recommend all your services to anyone I know. I will keep in touch and let you know how my new job is working out.
Thank you again!

David W. Miner
I can’t say enough. All the other testimonials and recommendations are true and the proof is in the pudding: One resume, one over the phone interview and a job offer 20 hours later. I recommend her to everyone serious about a new position or a new career; public or private sector. With Camille’s help, my resume was highly effective, but the interview coaching and thank you letter sealed the deal. The return on investment in your future is almost infinite.
Coming from the private sector, I had questions and doubts about the process and everything. Camille’s attitude and knowledge is insightful and refreshing. I used two other services; I was very disappointed.
I’ve hired hundreds of vendors over the years. Camille simply ranks among the very best! I’m happy and excited to be in the DC area to start my new career and my wife and I are grateful to Camille for her help with this goal. THANK YOU!
Scott Dickinson
I hired Ms. Roberts to help me compile 40 years’ worth of work experience into a resume that I could use. Ms Roberts was diligent and meticulous in putting the resume together.
The finished product was outstanding and something I could use. It was beneficial in getting my government employment.
I would highly recommend Ms. Roberts, and I have, to anyone needing a first class resume.
Tara Bedford
Camille created my federal resume and I was very pleased with the results. She actually created my federal resume and wrote my five KSA’s that I had to do for the federal position for which I was applying. I had several consultations with her so that she would have a clear understanding of my knowledge, skills, and abilities. She was very detail orientated, organized, and knowledgeable of what the federal hiring manager or HR person would be looking for and how best to showcase your abilities. This was all done virtually. I had initially gotten in contact with her through a friend who hired her to create his federal resume. I felt very comfortable in dealing with Camille, her expertise is impeccable. I would definitely recommend her services.
Jay Anderson
Camille did my Federal Resume for me and the results were incredible. As a mature IT sales rep, there aren’t a lot of government positions that need my skill set.
Camille was able to make my experience fit several specific categories, to the extent that of the first 16 positions I applied for, on USAJobs, I was referred to the hiring authority for 8 of them and was interviewed for 2!
That’s well above any other level of success I’m aware of. She was able focus my resume on the pertinent requirements and elaborate on the positive things my background provided, with respect to the job posting. Thanks for the great work, Camille!
Alice Hanson
Five years ago, I ran an online resume writing company. I commonly hired ghost writers to help me meet my workload, and when I had a tough resume to write, I very often turned to Camille to get the job done. Her knowledge about technology, IT, resume construction and job search were great then – and are even better now. I say that because I have since become a career coach at a local community college. We have students who often fit federal job openings, and when I have questions, Camille is a reliable resource with the answers. She really knows her stuff. She has written booklets about the federal job search process and stays up to date. She clearly loves her work and helping people and is always there to share. Camille Roberts is a true professional.

Drew Facer
President and CEO,
Idahoan Foods
I’m not sure that Camille ever sleeps! She is highly responsive and very adaptable to others schedules. She is so passionate about her job and conducts herself as a consummate professional. She has provided training and writing work for me on a business and personal basis.
On each occasion she has delivered work that is of great quality and exceeded my expectation. Within my field, I’ve come to expect very high quality work standards, Camille has consistently delivered to these expectations each time I’ve needed her assistance.
Clay J.
I want to take a moment to let others know of the exceptional service I received from CC Career Solutions. Camille was recommended to me when I was in the market to have a Federal resume written.
The resume contained lots of details about my work history, education and training, and professional skill sets and was presented not only easy to read, but also garnered the attention of recruiters and hiring managers alike-she did an excellent job.
It was a pleasure working with Camille and I highly recommend her services without any hesitation or reservations.
Debbie Lathrop
Ed Smith
Camille is an asset to anyone seeking employment. She helped me put my best foot forward by providing an excellently formatted resume. She also has great insight into the job market and is passionate about what she does. She is always working to improve herself and sticks with you through the entire process if need be.
Thomas Reilly

Anthony Wysocki

Mark Nicholas

Donald Blum

Heather Krasna

Tosha O'Neal

Nimish Thakkar

Fletcher Wilkins

Ed Smith

Laura DeCarlo

Darrell Holm

Steve Ortiz

Robert Alan Barnes

Susan Britton

Tom Blumenschein

Jeff Olson

Fred Coon

Dawn Bugni

G. Jay Christensen

Bill Murdock

Niels Niemann

Nancy Louise Barker

Robert La Pier

Chris Portesi

Raj Kapur

Lisa Chapman

Melissa Ward

Grant Cooper

Stuart Purser

Thomas Hunt

Darrell Holm

Jonni Medford

Cat Bui

Tony Varner

Peter Spinella

Sharon Bowden

Shari Moultrie

Jay Anderson

David OConnor

Jay Ellis

Mark Willis

Lauri Williams

Marcus Thomas

Patricia Soldati

Lisa C. Ferland
Nationally Certified
Medical Assistant