There have been significant USAJOBS upgrades…
According to and Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the website has undergone significant improvements in recent years and will soon undergo more including offering new tools to applicants.
While these tools will be helpful for federal job seekers and current federal employees, as well as Veterans, the Office of Personnel Management also plans to provide more access to information to applicants about the hiring process.
With the upgraded version of USAJOBS, applicants are going to know more about their competition—that’s you!
500,000 Applications!
This year alone, agencies posted more than 2,000 open positions seeking new hires to help with the COVID-19 pandemic. This led to more than 500,000 applications!
That’s right, 500,000 applications for 2,000 positions!
That’s some serious competition.
So, not only should you be PREPARED, it is more important now, than ever, to stand out from your competition and speak to the Six Audiences™ who read and score your résumé.
The article goes on to say that “in fiscal 2019, job seekers started more than 17.5 million applications on USAJOBS and searched the site more than 1.4 billion times.”
I wonder how many of those applications even made it past the first of Six Audiences™…
Did yours? Would yours?
How much time was wasted?
I wonder how much time was wasted by applicants doing it wrong rather than doing it right. I mean… if 500,000 applicants spend an average of 20 hours creating their account, preparing their resume and application materials, then applying…that is 10,000,000 hours!
And, that doesn’t include the time searching for and pre-qualifying themselves for the position. (Yes, if you are an applicant, you should be doing this.)
Read the whole article about upcoming changes to USAJOBS, here.
And, if you want to learn how to pre-qualify yourself and make sure your application speaks to all Six Audiences™, tap into our 25+ years of experience helping people like you land interviews and lucrative job offers.
Schedule your complimentary consultation to see how we can help you land at the top of the stack.
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