If you have applied and seen this federal job status in your profile, you’re not alone. Most applicants feel so deflated and upset when their application for a federal job is rated as:
“Eligible: Not Referred.”
It evokes all kinds of emotions and questions in the applicant’s mind such as:
How can I be qualified, but not referred?
What did I do wrong?
Hmmm, did I fail to include something?
Did I miss an instruction?
Maybe I didn’t rate myself high enough on the questionnaire?
What can I do different in the future?
Should I just give up on landing a federal job?
No! Never give up!
Instead, look at this status as a blessing and an opportunity to reflect on your application and learn from because it’s going to make your next application for a federal job even better—if you take action.
Now some of these questions are good questions to ask yourself, but other questions such as, “am I not good enough?” or “why me?” are a little less supportive to your situation. Would you agree?
It is always good to reflect on your résumé and application materials and put on an investigative hat to ask these important questions—even if you wouldn’t do anything different.
Was your very best value conveyed?
Were you able to successfully align your expertise with the job announcement?
Did you answer all of the questions?
Could you call or email the contact or the interviewers to learn more?
We highly recommend doing so as it gives you an opportunity to get the gift of feedback and perspective from someone on the inside.
Sometimes, the application rating for a federal job can be frustrating.
While a rating of “not referred” can be frustrating, it is worth celebrating! Indeed, there is something very important that you need to understand and actually, it is even worth celebrating!
“Eligible but Not Referred” means you are eligible for the job! In fact, that means you met all the requirements and that’s a huge step toward success! So congratulations! You made it past the first three of the Six Audiences™—the gatekeepers who review and score your application.
You ARE moving in the right direction!
“Eligible but Not Referred” just means you were not in the top 1%, but you were very close and this is not the time to quit. You are doing something right. Keep trying!
We’ve had several clients receive this rating. Months later, the candidate was called by the hiring official and asked to interview. Yes, this actually happens! Once the applicant materials are scored and rated, a “list” is created for the position. Now, that list may contain the Top 10 or Top 20 candidates.
However, what if the other candidates on that list don’t work out or accept the job offer? You might have another opportunity. Each federal agency has an established hiring protocol and that protocol can vary slightly from agency to agency.
So don’t beat yourself up when you really should celebrate how far you have come. It is a success! You made it that far. After celebrating, ask yourself and the contact listed on the job announcement the questions outlined above, learn from the answers, and make the necessary adjustments. Next time, your rating could be:
“Eligible: Referred to Hiring Official”
And you could soon be invited to interview! Seriously, keep your head up and keep trying. You will soon be successful in landing your dream job!
If you need support or you want to learn how to make it in the Top 1%, please reach out to us.
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