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SES ★ Federal & Corporate Resumes ★ Interviews
Prime Time or Frankensteined Federal Resume?
You’ve decided it’s time for a career change, or a promotion, and you keep putting off taking the time to get serious about it. It just doesn’t seem like working on your federal resume gets...
Federal Hiring: Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
The holidays are ahead of us and that means planning for family travel, holiday shopping, and holiday events. And for some people, they know federal hiring is abundant and they are planning their...
Hiring Surge: The IRS is Hiring Thousands of New Federal Employees!
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is on a hiring spree, and they are not just looking for tax collectors! In addition to beefing up the enforcement unit, the agency is hiring thousands of federal...
Personality Assessments: Which number are you—5, 9, 1, 2, 7, 3, 8, 6, 4?
There’s no denying that there is a lot of change going on in our world... And how you perceive and deal with that change can be based on your personality. Recently, Camille and I have been...
4 Effective Mindset Hacks to Reduce Stress Leading up to Graduation
Stress isn’t a new mindset topic for most, and often the world around us refuses to let us forget about it for long, be it self-help guides, loved ones, or our workplace. We are often...
HOPE: Noun, Verb, or Something Else to You?
Recently, I was talking with a client who comes back time and again for updates to his resume when he is ready to apply for a promotion. He said, “I’m back yet again because I trust you with...
Self-Care, Spring Cleaning, and Career Focus
I know that technically Spring began last month, but there’s something about the month of April that makes me feel like it’s “officially” spring, and makes me want to focus on cleaning,...
Your Federal Resume: Top 10 Worst Advice
So you’re ready to create your federal resume so you can apply for a federal job. You jump on the internet and find advice—all sorts of advice. In fact, all sorts of conflicting advice…and now you...
Career Management: Are You Ready for New Career Growth?
As we welcome spring, I think of new beginnings for my clients and future clients along with strategic career management. The thought of planting seeds and new growth is at the forefront of...
How Your Federal Career Can Benefit from Olympic Coaching Strategies
As I reflect on the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, I can’t help but think about my clients (and prospective clients) and their federal career goals. While I didn’t get to watch many of the...
Honoring Presidents’ Day and Your Federal Job Search
Presidents' Day: A bit of history. According to Wikipedia: Presidents' Day, which is also officially Washington's Birthday, is a holiday in the United States celebrated on the third Monday of...
Career Satisfaction: Do you love your job?
How would you rate your career satisfaction? If you had to rate your career satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low and 10 being excellent, would you be on the high end? Or the low end?...
Need to get back on track with your goals? Here’s how…
Did you meet your January goals? You achieved all your goals! Great! That’s super awesome and should be celebrated! Congratulations! I did not meet all of mine. But I decided I wasn’t going...
USAJOBS: Should you leave your experience off your resume?
Should you leave your experience off your federal or USAJOBS resume? I recently read an inquiry from a federal applicant who was wondering if he needed to list his experience on his federal...
What is YOUR Dream?
Today, we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. “And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American...
New Job, New Year, New Opportunities, or Fresh Start in March?
And here we are—at the beginning of 2022 with a whole new year of opportunities ahead! Isn’t it exciting? People around the world commit with enthusiasm to all types of personal and...
Reflect and Plan: Reflection, Wins, and Career Planning for 2022
It’s that time when we reflect on the past year and everything we’ve accomplished. I always enjoy this time of reflection and in our company, we reflect on our goals and accomplishments every...
Give Yourself Multiple GIFTS: Money, Job Satisfaction, Better Retirement!
What if you could give yourself multiple gifts that have career-lasting effects with very little effort — pre-qualify yourself for a federal job so you can make more money, have job...
Job Search Myth: No One Gets Hired During the Holidays
It’s a common misconception that you shouldn’t start or even continue your job search during the holiday season… in fact, someone in our Magnetize Your Federal Résumé program recently stated:...
My “Happy Thanksgiving” Wish for You
I am so thankful this year…it seems as each Thanksgiving passes, the things I’m most grateful for are so simple—shelter, food, water, good health… and I’m eternally grateful for my wonderful...
Job Search Myth: Federal Jobs are Pegged for Someone Already
One extremely common federal job search myth that we often hear from new clients is that they thought federal jobs were already pegged for somebody else and that they needed to know someone...

The team at CC Career Solutions does the thinking behind the scenes for you. No matter your situation, you can rest assured, you will get exactly what you need for your career to take flight in the right direction. Trust in Camille to be your Career Pilot. Her expertise is unmatched. She has a great team in the control tower and on the ground ready to help you with where you are at right now. You cannot go wrong with this team if you are trying to land a job in the Federal Government or private industry.