Get Hired Faster!
SES ★ Federal & Corporate Resumes ★ Interviews
Veterans Day: Honoring those who have protected our Freedom
This week, on Veterans Day, we celebrate and honor our Veterans because of their patriotism and love for this country... and their choice to sacrifice so much for our country, our allies,...
Job Search Myth: Don’t be Spooked!
This is just one job search myth of hundreds wandering around these day, haunting innocent job seekers… And it seems that everywhere you look, someone seemingly knowledgeable is offering what...
Job Search Jump Start
Does your job search need a jump start before the end of the year? Can you believe it’s already October? Scratch that. The MIDDLE of October! I continue to be amazed at how quickly this year has...
LinkedIn for your Job Search: Be Active and Be Visible!
Why LinkedIn? It’s a critical piece of your professional branding. I believe your resume is your single-most important career document, but LinkedIn works in tandem with your resume—and your...
Career Neglect: Is it time to stop?
Are you Neglecting or Prioritizing Your Career? When you continually prioritize other things over your own career progression, you can become the victim of neglecting your career. Then all of the...
It’s Here: Update Your Résumé Month! (Better than a Dental Visit)
It’s time to update your single most important career document: your résumé! How exciting! You can officially block off time to give your résumé some love and use International Update Your...
Exit Interview: Should You Request One?
Recently, I posted an article about how to quit your job gracefully and I made the recommendation to prepare for an exit interview, if possible—and determine if the situation is right for you...
Olympic-Style Hurdles of Federal Jobs
The Tokyo Olympics has definitely been a source of inspiration…and filled with challenges, heartaches, triumphs, miracles, losses, and wins. The stories of the athletes are remarkable! Even...
How to Quit Your Job Gracefully – Do’s and Don’ts
Are you among the millions of people who are ready to quit your job during this “Great Resignation” that everybody is talking about? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 4...
Gratitude for Independence and Federal Employees
Happy Birthday, America! And thank you to more than one MILLION men and women who have died in battle since 1776. Because of them, every day is Independence Day in America. Today, we...
Is your Federal Resume Goal Misguided?
I.AM.IN.SHOCK! I was reading on Reddit last week and noticed someone had written that since January he had submitted 282 Federal resume applications…AND his goal was to hit 500 by August....
Writing Your Federal Résumé: It’s NOT about YOU!
Here’s the crazy truth about your Federal résumé... Did you know your résumé is NOT about YOU? That’s right, and kind of crazy, huh? Stick with me here…your résumé is about speaking to the...
What is your Memorial Day tradition?
From a very young age, Memorial Day held a special place in my life. Looking back, it was another family tradition. I remember my Mom and Dad taking me and my siblings to several cemeteries...
How to Get Hired in 100 Days – part 4
Is it really possible to get hired in 100 days? I realize there are a lot of factors in play when it comes to getting hired. However, if you make it EASY to get hired, you’ll be successful...
Job Search: How to Get Hired in 100 Days – part 3
For the past couple of weeks, we’ve talked about Steps 1-4 of the Day 100 Job Search Plan: Step 1. Set up alerts to get notified of job openings. Step 2. Research, network, and follow up....
How to Get Hired in 100 Days – part 2
How did it go last week—are you well on your way to get hired in 100 days? Did you get your job search alerts set up? Are you getting job announcements coming into your Inbox now from...
How to Get Hired in 100 Days – part 1
The #1 question, concern, and interest of most all of my clients is how to get hired, or promoted, in the Federal Government… and in private sector, too. 😉 About a week ago, I read a blog...
Resume Prep: No Job Announcement? Don’t wait!
It’s Tuesday afternoon and your job search and your outdated resume have been in the back of your mind… and you happen upon an interesting job announcement… it’s perfect for you… and it’s due on...
Job Search Woes: Sound familiar? I never hear back on jobs I apply to…
I hear it on my initial calls with new Federal job search prospects all too often. And early on when I started this business, 25+ years ago, it seemed about every other person made the comment, “I...
Cover Letter Optional: Yes or No?
Many job announcements on USAJOBS state: Optional Cover Letter. I’ve asked my federal clients if they have ever submitted one with their application and most all of them said, “No. It was an option...
Did you pre-qualify yourself for the right-fit Federal job?
You know when you open your USAJOBS account to check the status of your application and you get that butterfly-in-your-stomach-kind-of-excited? You purposely haven’t checked it in a few days because...

The team at CC Career Solutions does the thinking behind the scenes for you. No matter your situation, you can rest assured, you will get exactly what you need for your career to take flight in the right direction. Trust in Camille to be your Career Pilot. Her expertise is unmatched. She has a great team in the control tower and on the ground ready to help you with where you are at right now. You cannot go wrong with this team if you are trying to land a job in the Federal Government or private industry.