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SES ★ Federal & Corporate Resumes ★ Interviews
Why should I hire you?
“Why should I hire you?” … This question can instantly inflict pain and anxiety to even the most experienced candidates. So, what IS the best answer to this painful question? “Why would you ‘not’...
Job Search: Who are you trusting?
I have a question for you: Who are you trusting with your job search? Hi, I’m Lyndsey 🙂 and I’ve known Camille Roberts for nearly 20 years…and she would never write this, so I thought I’d do it for...
Résumé Fail: The Unfilled Bingo Card
Many of my clients admit prior to contacting us that they have submitted the same résumé to many job announcements—even hundreds—without success. Their results? The equivalent of an unfilled Bingo...
Job Seeker’s Resume Story: From Misled Belief to Heartfelt Hope
The heartbeat of your résumé... How would you fill in this blank regarding your resume? The heartbeat of your resume is ___. Is it your immediate value offered section? Is it your experience...
Federal Job Status: Is “NOT REFERRED” Actually a Gift?
If you have applied and seen this federal job status in your profile, you’re not alone. Most applicants feel so deflated and upset when their application for a federal job is rated as: “Eligible:...
Personal Brand: Do You Feel Like Brands are for Cattle?
You’ve heard it thousands of times — you must have a personal brand — and it needs to be same across all your career marketing documents. You’ve read hundreds of articles about branding, but as soon...
Job Search: Will it be your Employment Story or a Missed Opportunity?
Many successful employment stories begin with a friendly conversation in the grocery store line, during a commute, in a public place, and at a time when you least expect it during a job search. Turn...
New Year, New Résumé, More Interviews = New Job = Happiness!
My friend, Brandy, called me in a panic last week about her résumé. She wanted to apply to a job opening that closed the next day. Brandy asked me to help write her résumé, cover letter, and...
Interviews: Can One Job Interview Relieve Your Feeling of Stress?
If you're in an active job search, and haven't landed an interview lately, you're likely experiencing a certain amount of stress... and that's probably affecting your quality of life. Imagine your...
Only three more days… Are you ready for the New Year?
Three days. We have only three days until a brand-new year. And let’s be honest… if you’re like most people in the world today, it can’t come fast enough. We’ve all had enough of 2020. This year was...
Tradition: My Favorite Part about Christmas
One of my favorite holidays is Christmas and it’s taken me more than 50 years to figure out my most favorite thing about it—tradition. I love the traditions that have been passed on from my...
Resume Accomplishments: “I Don’t Have Any!” (Part 2 of 2)
If you didn’t have a chance to check out Part 1 of this post on Resume Accomplishments, you can do that HERE. I walked through some technical, logistical ideas for organizing your accomplishments,...
Resume Accomplishments: “I Don’t Have Any!” (Part 1 of 2)
…or Do You? What could be worse than working on your resume and not being able to think of any accomplishments to write about that showcase your value to the employer? Not because you haven’t...
Mindset: A Different Kind of Thanksgiving
A different kind of Thanksgiving... This week, Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. But this year, I imagine it will be different than in years past. We’ve had a banner year of change and in...
Cybersecurity Hiring: Competency vs Education?
Recently, the Federal Government has decided to take a page out of Silicon Valley’s book in hopes of copying the success within the large agencies. As a result, they'll be re-evaluating hiring...
5 Things You Can Do to Prevent a Freaky Federal Resume Nightmare
Is your federal resume creeping out the Six Audiences™ donning a scary costume or with skeletons in your closet? Are the Six Audiences™ giving your federal resume the ‘boo hiss’ within the first 3-6...
USAJOBS: Are You In The Top 1% of 500,000 applicants?
Are you in the top 1% of 500,000 USAJOBS applicants? According to GovExec.com and OPM, the USAJOBS website has undergone some improvements…
Cover Letter: To Submit or Not to Submit…That is the Question!
As a veteran Career Strategist for more than 25 years, I’ve seen multiple debates and advice on whether or not to use a cover letter. I’ve read advice saying, “The cover letter is dead. Just write a...
SIX AUDIENCES™: How to Avoid the Federal Resume “Black Hole”
So, you've decided that you'd like to serve in a federal job. And, you've spent hours and hours perusing over your past. You have read every article you can find on federal résumés. Every night you...
Research: How to Conduct Essential Research in Your Job Search
The idea of doing research on targeted companies may not be at the top of your list of priorities. However, this is an important step for your job search success. Research can be done by targeting...
Job Search Success: Organization is Key!
Is your job search messy and out of control? Are you overwhelmed with trying to keep track of who you talked to, who you have applied with, or can’t find the business card of the recruiter you met?...

The team at CC Career Solutions does the thinking behind the scenes for you. No matter your situation, you can rest assured, you will get exactly what you need for your career to take flight in the right direction. Trust in Camille to be your Career Pilot. Her expertise is unmatched. She has a great team in the control tower and on the ground ready to help you with where you are at right now. You cannot go wrong with this team if you are trying to land a job in the Federal Government or private industry.